Our progress this week was slower than usual mostly because we surfed all day Sunday (play is more important than work… but this blog is about work so back to that). We are waiting for a bobcat to be fixed so we can clear out the mud pit and get some drainage going to redirect the water. Our plan was to lay gravel in the area where we are milling and building to have a dry and solid space to work. However, things don’t always go as planned as the bobcat won’t be available for a few more weeks, so we will be in a mud pit for a little longer. It’s no big deal, we are used to it!

Instead, we did some research on well pumps to get some running water out there and sounds like we can get that in motion which would be great! We are lucky we have great water levels and water purity at our location, so we are excited to taste non-citywater. I messaged Wellmaster Pumps (link here) to get that ball rolling and I am pushing for running water by Reading Break.

I did say I would share more about milling so check out our logscelator below! Milling requires big logs… so see how we are getting logs from the bottom of our property to the top where the mill is. Any physicists or creators willing to contribute thoughts to the efficiency of the log-elevator are welcome!

We are choosing to do a timber frame tiny home as we have timber and can mill to any size. We have learned a timber frame house requires less wood, has more open space and we think it looks nice too (one blog on timber vs conventional frame).  Also, the cost of store-bought wood right now is very high due to the increase in demand during this pandemic and all the renos and DIYers (article here). Our goal is to have all beams milled and cut by March, prepare them in April and May and then raise them in June. So by the summer, we will have our tiny home skeleton up, but for now, we are focusing on milling, stacking all the wood to keep it dry and off the ground.